Who We Are

River of Life is not just a media organization, it is a community of creative people, companies, families, ministries…
working, playing, being friends and doing life together while accomplishing  what we could not have accomplished just on our own.

Here’s to more creative collaborations that share God’s heart and love for His purposes!

Welcome to the River of Life website. We are excited about the vision and potential of “creating with the Creator”  as a community. This may start with us, but as we succeed this will not be about us.

The mission of River of Life is to facilitate a great collaboration among those that love God – to create with the Lord’s inspiration and partnership an increasing flow of creative media communications, artistic expressions and inventions that touch and impact lives with the Lord’s love, goodness, wisdom, and wonder…

He who believes in Me [who cleaves to, trusts in, relies on Me] as the Scripture has said, From his innermost being shall flow [continuously] springs and rivers of living water.
John 7:38-39

Through friendship and intimate relationship with the Lord, we purpose to know God and partner with him as he leads us in life and creativity. We love to encourage others to do the same and see divine appointments and wonderful “creations” come forth creating a virtual river of communications that brings life with it’s impact.

Keep in mind, this is not for those who have “arrived,” rather it is for each of us that seek to learn and grow in our journey of walking in relationship with our Lord and Savior through life. Though we are imperfect, the Perfect One loves to live and create with and through us, and we believe that as He works in us, throughout the process He mercifully uses what we do and create for purposes beyond what we can imagine.

We are committed to grow in our skill level and excellence, but our mission is more about hearts, lives, relationships and souls than it is about masterpieces. That said, we desire to create quality work and even masterpieces as the Lord enables us to do so.

This in not an idea that we thought of recently, rather this is a life long culmination of dreams, visions, hopes, giftings, skill development, words, confirmations…. It may seem bold to say, but we believe this is not just a good idea, but God’s idea. We also believe that He has lots of ideas that He gives often to those that love and seek Him. 

For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. Ephesians 2:10

We believe the Lord has creative expressions that He wants to bring forth through those that are willing, including children and young people and seniors too. We also believe that much of the media we produce will carry important messages that the Creator wants to communicate to this present generation during these critical times.

We are His beloved creation and as we learn to flow with Him, living and creating with the Creator, we eagerly anticipate that the various streams will come together as one and become a river of life where the life of God flows through His people.

Whether you are an individual, a family, a ministry, a Christian business… please consider participating with us. Just send us an email or talk with us – and let us know about your dreams, visions, gifts, talents, interests, skills… and what you believe the Lord is leading you to do. Also, please sign up for our eNewsletter and Friend, Like and Follow us on social media. These are good ways to begin getting to know one another and start our collaboration.

God bless you abundantly!

Sharon Metzger Neve

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